Before the tour began I sat at the bar and purchased a beer titled The APA. Supposedly it's just a less hoppy IPA. I had only been sitting with my purchased brew for a couple minutes when the tour started to commence. During the entire tour presentation I kept sipping on my beer and fine-tuning its taste in my mind. (Now I am a very visually oriented individual so a lot of my beer descriptions will be images that formulate in my mind as I drink. For you other visual people out there, my reviews may be very entertaining. Hopefully you others who are dominantly either auditory or kinesthetic will still be able to relate to my flavor descriptions.)
Brewery Tour |
After the tour ended I returned to the bar to claim my free beer, so I have two beer reviews today. The second beer was their Raspberry Farmhouse, a slightly hoppy ale brewed with fresh raspberries for a genuine raspberry flavor. Very refreshing on that particularly hot day.
Beer Review:
The Raspberry Farmhouse has a much simpler flavor image. It's a raspberry hop sandwich. After taking a sip you are initially hit with a wave of strong raspberry then replaced a moment later with the piney bitter hops only to end with a lingering raspberry flavor left on your tongue until the next sip. Great to drink with a spring salad or just to enjoy on a hot day. (or really any time for that matter.) Also rated a 4.25 out of 5. I think any beer drinker would enjoy drinking this beer as long as they enjoy a fruit flavor in their beer.
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